Saturday, November 15, 2014

Topanga League 4 (A) - Round 5 - Update, result, and summary

Live updates and report for Topanga League 4 - A League Round 5 - Nov 15, 8:00 PM JST (GMT +9).


EX Pugera (Ibuki) [3 - 2] Bonchan (Sagat)
Santarou (Sagat) [3 - 2] Nemo (Rolento)
Fuudo (Fei Long) [3 - 1] Tokido (Akuma)
Sako (Elena) [3 - 1] Kazunoko (Yun)
Santarou (Sagat) [2 - 3] Bonchan (Sagat)
Fuudo (Fei Long) [1 - 3] Nemo (Rolento)
Daigo Umehara (Evil Ryu) [3 - 0] EX Pugera (Ibuki)
Tokido (Akuma) [2 - 3] Uryo (Chun-Li)
Sako (Elena) [3 - 0] Momochi (Ken)
Daigo Umehara (Evil Ryu) [3 - 2] Kazunoko (Yun)


EX Pugera (Ibuki) [3 - 2] Bonchan (Sagat)

Santarou (Sagat) [3 - 2] Nemo (Rolento)
Santarou struggling in Rolento mix up in the mid game, he then play more defensive and only react to the moves from Nemo, and it worked out well. Final round Nemo failed to anti air with his Ultra 2.

Fuudo (Fei Long) [3 - 1] Tokido (Akuma)
Tokido has been locked in the corner most of the time, he played very defensively perhaps caused by some lags, because the "waiting for other player" message pop up few times and one time made Tokido drops the combo. He has tried several times to escape the coner pressure with Demon Flip, but Fuudo give him no chance at all. In the last match not sure why Tokido did a random Tatsu twice that made him lost both rounds.

Sako (Elena) [3 - 1] Kazunoko (Yun)
Sako picked Ultra 1 that can be connect after EX Spin Scythe, Sako also uses it as anti air but failed. 3rd match incredible corner pressure by Sako and Kazunoko failed some wake up uppercut. Final match Kazunoko beat by Sako's wake up ultra.

Santarou (Sagat) [2 - 3] Bonchan (Sagat)
So many rounds in this game were closed. Santarou catch up from 0 - 2, however Bonchan done better in the final match with 2 ultra combo finish rounds.

Momochi (Ken) [1 - 3] Uryo (Chun-Li)
The game slow down after the 2nd match, both players play very defensive. Uryo won with successful frame trap at the key timing.

Fuudo (Fei Long) [1 - 3] Nemo (Rolento)
Fuudo having hard time to break Nemo's Stinger spamming strategy, most of his moves just stopped by the Stingers. Nemo is done very good in the mid screen battle.

Daigo Umehara (Evil Ryu) [3 - 0] EX Pugera (Ibuki)
1st round Daigo was like he didn't know Ibuki match up at all, but after that he's dominating the whole game. Mos tof the match Pugera has the lead, however Daigo just managed to comeback. Final round Daigo's combo is insanely solid.

Tokido (Akuma) [2 - 3] Uryo (Chun-Li)
3rd match Uryo attempts to anti air with Ultra 1 when Tokido neutral jump with last HP, Tokido dodged it with air EX Tatsu and then comeback with a complete combo. Final match final round Tokido has been in the bad position, he left full SC meter have no chance to spend it.

Sako (Elena) [3 - 0] Momochi (Ken)
Incredible steady game by Sako while Momochi is too defensive overall. Final round huge comeback by Sako with many meters spent and walk up frame trap damage reset mind game included.

Daigo Umehara (Evil Ryu) [3 - 2] Kazunoko (Yun)
So many yomi game involved such as dash forward Hadoken after knock down by Daigo, walk up overhead by Kazunoko. 2nd match Kazunoko wake up ultra twice. 3nd match in a single round Kazunoko stuns Daigo in the first few second, after all the mix up Daigo returns a stun to Kazunoko in few second as well, Kazunoko took that match in the end. Final match final round Kazunoko has the lead, but he missed one wake up uppercut cost him the game!

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